If you’ve got Gardasil outrage fatigue, prepare to have your outrage fully...
I found this article on hsionline.com. I highly recommend this site,you can find a lot of information on health related issues there. There you can also find a doctor that practices alternative,...
View ArticleStrange News: Chicken Pox For Sale
This has to be by far the strangest story I have read in a while. This is from HSIONLINE.COM A great resource for health news. I’ve finally found something that makes even less sense than unnecessary...
View ArticleUnavoidably Safe
This is a interesting article with information you may have not known about vaccinations and your rights. Here is the link source: http://thinkingmomsrevolution.com/2012/04/27/unavoidably-unsafe-2/
View ArticleHow To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds
STOP! Read This Before Vaccinating for Anything by Barbara Loe Fisher There are three basic facts you should remember when you are exercising your right to make an informed, voluntary vaccination...
View ArticlePierce Morgan falls ill after public flu shot.
Just two days after it was reported that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine has actually caused a whopping 800 cases of narcolepsy in children according to Reuters, a major publicity...
View ArticleThe Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night” – 44 girls...
The Lead Vaccine Developer Comes Clean So She Can “Sleep At Night” – 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines by Sarah Cain – SouthWeb.org Dr. Diane Harper was the lead...
View ArticleCourts quietly confirm MMR Vaccine causes Autism
After decades of passionate debate, parents probably missed the repeated admissions by drug companies and governments alike that vaccines do in fact cause autism. For concerned parents seeking the...
View ArticleAfraid Of Shingles? Be More Afraid Of The Shingles Shot
Most of us have had chicken pox as kids, and even though the “pox” goes away, the virus never does. So if you’re overstressed and your immune system is not as strong as it should be, the chicken pox...
View ArticleHow To Opt Out Of Forced Vaccinations In Any State
This is the time of year that parents are expected to bring their child to the doctors and get pumped up with all those vaccinations that the government says is good for you. Well if you know better...
View ArticleC Span Hearing on Childhood Vaccinations
Childhood Vaccinations Pediatricians and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials testified at a hearing on the link between recent outbreaks of diseases such as measles, and some parents’ decision...
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